Succession and estate planning.

We support individuals, entrepreneurs and families in their succession and estate planning, in structuring private assets, including art collections, and in changing their domicile. Our solutions in legal and tax matters are tailor-made and lasting.

Succession and estate planning

Wills and matrimonial and inheritance agreements

We advise you on establishing your last will and testament. Swiss forced heirship rules can be in the way of intended planning, matrimonial and/or inheritance agreements often come as a solution to those restrictions.

Succession planning for entrepreneurs

Succession is a complex process requiring thorough and long term planning. We assist in the development, the implementation and, over time, review of the appropriate structure.

Holding companies

Holding companies can help simplifying succession and often offer tax benefits. We will establish and put in place the structure tailored to your needs.

Asset structuring (Trusts and Foundations)

These days, structures will only rarely provide tax advantages. They continue, however, to play an important role in estate planning, for asset protection purposes and when organising philanthropic projects. We have long standing expertise in state of the art use of trusts and foundations.

Family Governance

In the context of succession planning it is often sensible to look beyond the mere legal aspects and embrace broader governance considerations. We guide you through the process, with the assistance of external coaches where appropriate.

Advance care directives (ACD)

ACDs, also known as Lasting Powers of Attorney, are an option to ensure that a person of trust will be in charge if need be. In the absence of an ACD incapacitation even of married persons may result in a number of decisions being subject to mandatory authority approval. We advise you on drafting an ACD.


An executor’s task is to implement a deceased’s last wishes. As executors we vouch for the realisation of your last will and testament.